Wide-Eyed Wonderer - Elissa Jenkins

It’s my mission to bring wide-eyed wonder to as many people as possible, particularly vulnerable children in communities across Australia and the world.

I love the idea of approaching everything I do with wide-eyed wonder and I like to inspire the same in others. Whether it’s puppeteering, performing, writing, publishing, campaigning or just living, I like the idea of greeting all of it with wonder – that feeling you get when you experience something that is beautiful, remarkable or unfamiliar and go ‘Wow!’.

Whether it’s a person I meet, an audience I perform for, something super small or wildly spectacular in nature, an innovative or creative concept, a newly learned philosophy, a scientific discovery or an idealistic political policy – I love the idea of greeting it with wide-eyed wonder; with my eyes, my mind and my heart wide open.

In a world of wide-eyed wonder, there’s no place for cynicism, pragmatism, fear and hate. Rather it’s a place for the lovers, the dreamers, the peacemakers, the believers, the hopers, the romantics and the radicals.

I manage a rare eye disease. I’ve been trying to save the eyesight in my left eye for a few years now. However, while it’s a big part of my life, I refuse to let it define me. Finding joy and wide-eyed wonder in everyday life here on my blog, on Facebook and on Instagram certainly helps me cope better with the struggles of juggling multiple passions while managing a rare disease. #everydayjoy #wideeyedwonder